Jesus the healer (Luke 5) - 17 January 2021

Here are some ideas that you could do with your children at home, that link the children’s everyday experiences to the Bible. As you play or create, you can talk about what happened in the story.


Jesus heals.


Let’s Pretend

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Do you have some teddies or dolls that are poorly? Maybe they need a bandage or a plaster? Or a spoon of medicine? Maybe you could pray and ask Jesus to help make them better too.

Lego or Duplo house

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Build your own lego or duplo house and re-enact the story with lego or duplo figures. You could make a mini mat too, to lower them into the roof.


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Make a heart, use plasters for the cross to remind ourselves that Jesus heals. You could even write verses on the heart as a powerful reminder.


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Do you have any friends or loved ones that need Jesus’ healing at the moment- as you weave this paper mat, pray for everyone you know. You could even write the names of the people on the mat to remind you to keep praying.


Jesus heals.

Up to 3 years old (Fruitshoots)

Thank you Jesus that when people are poorly you can make them better. Thank you that we can talk to you. Jesus, please can you make (Insert Name Here) better. Amen.

From 3 years to Reception age (Acorns)

Thank you Jesus that when people are poorly you can make them better. Thank you that we can talk to you. Jesus, please can you make (Insert Name Here) better. We ask that you take the pain away from their (Insert body part here) and heal them. Thank you that you love them. Amen.

School years 1-6 (Hive)

A thought: Have you ever prayed for healing? Have you ever seen someone be healed?

  • We have the most amazing God, who doesn’t want us to be in pain or sickness!! We can ask Him to heal us or others. Is there anyone who you know is unwell today? Let’s pray for them.

  • Jesus, thank you that you love us and you don’t want us to be in pain or unwell. Thank you that you heal! We pray for (Insert name here) and we ask that you heal them now, in Jesus’ powerful name. Take all pain, all sickness away and give them full health. Amen.




Jesus the child


Week 5: Simeon and Anna meet the baby Jesus

Week 4: A surprise visit

Week 3: Shepherds visit

Week 2: Baby Jesus is born

Week 1: An angel visits Mary

People from the Old Testament




King Solomon

King David

David and Saul (1 Samuel 16)

David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17)

Samuel and Jesse’s children (1 Samuel 16)

Samuel and Eli (1 Samuel 3)

Ruth and Naomi (Ruth 1-4)


Judges 16 - Samson

Judges 6-7 - Gideon


Joshua 5 - Joshua and the walls of Jericho

Joshua 3 and 4 - Joshua crosses the River Jordan

Joshua 2 - Rahab


Exodus 14-24 - Moses

Exodus 4-14 - Moses

Exodus 1-2 - Baby Moses


Genesis 37-43 - Joseph

Genesis 27-29 - Esau and Jacob

Genesis 12-17 - Abraham

Genesis 11 - Tower of Babel

Genesis 6-9 - Noah’s Ark

Genesis 2 and 3 - Adam and Eve

Genesis 1 - The Beginning


Earthquake in Prison

A Changed Man

The Lame Man

The Holy Spirit Comes


Jesus Returns

Easter Day

The True King (Palm Sunday)

The Lord’s Supper

Washing The Disciples’ Feet