Joshua 3 and 4 - Joshua crosses the River Jordan - 9 August 2020

Here are some ideas that you could do with your children at home, that link the children’s everyday experiences to the Bible. As you play or create, you can talk about what happened in the story of Joshua crossing the river Jordan.


God can do the impossible.


Let’s Pretend

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Floating and sinking… What sinks to the bottom of the water? What floats to the top? Joshua found his rocks on the bottom of the River bed. What might be floating in the River Jordan?

Build your own stone memorial like Joshua did

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How tall can you build yours? Can you count the bricks? Can you measure the tower? In cm? Using your hands? Using duplo bricks?

Game - Cross the River

As a family see if you can cross the river (could be from one side of the garden to the other or across a sheet laid out on the floor) using mats or cut out circles of paper, only 1 more than the number of people in you family. Can you work as team? How fast can you get across?

Click here to watch a video of how it is done.


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Paper plate scene of the River Jordan… add anything else that you think might be in the river Jordan

Or you could make it out of Lego or even jelly 😊

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God can do the impossible!

Up to 3 years old (Fruitshoots)

Thank you God that you can do things that we can’t do. Help us to know that you can do the impossible! You can do anything! You are such a big God!

From 3 years to Reception age (Acorns)

Thank you God that you can do things that we can’t do. Help us to know that you can do the impossible! You can do anything! You are such a big God! Help us to know that when we feel like we can’t do something, we can always ask you for help. You love to help us to do the impossible!

School years 1-6 (Hive)

A question: Has something ever seemed impossible to you? Have you ever had to have courage or be brave to do something that seems impossible? God will always give us courage to do things that seem impossible! We can always ask God to help us. He loves it when we do!




Joshua 2 - Rahab


Exodus 14-24 - Moses

Exodus 4-14 - Moses

Exodus 1-2 - Baby Moses


Genesis 37-43 - Joseph

Genesis 27-29 - Esau and Jacob

Genesis 12-17 - Abraham

Genesis 11 - Tower of Babel

Genesis 6-9 - Noah’s Ark

Genesis 2 and 3 - Adam and Eve

Genesis 1 - The Beginning


Earthquake in Prison

A Changed Man

The Lame Man

The Holy Spirit Comes


Jesus Returns

Easter Day

The True King (Palm Sunday)

The Lord’s Supper

Washing The Disciples’ Feet

Severn Vineyard