Who is Jesus? Easter - The Holy Spirit Comes - 26 April 2020

Here are some ideas that you could do with your children at home, that link the children’s everyday experiences to the Bible. As you play or create, you can talk about what happened when the Holy Spirit came and who the Holy Spirit is for us today, a gift.


Jesus has sent us the Holy Spirit as a gift, to be a special helper and help us remember Jesus.


Let’s Pretend

Hold a party! Balloons, banners, PRESENTS, games. Could be a disco… Jesus loves to celebrate with us.

Book corner

Couple of beanbags in the corner – cosy up and read a story together, maybe you have one about presents, gifts, otherwise you could look for a book about friends, celebrations or share a story about Jesus.


Build a tower as tall as you out of bricks. Make a present out of lego or duplo. Make a present out of your junk recycling- you could even wrap up a surprise inside, a note, a homemade gift, and give it to someone in your family to help remind them that they are loved by you and by Jesus. Don’t forget to remind them that the Holy Spirit is with them this week!


You will need:

  • Bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)

  • White vinegar

  • Food colouring

  • Calpol stick/ syringe

Mix food colouring into white vinegar to colour it. Keep each colour of vinegar in a separate cup and add a dropper to each cup. Cover the bottom of a baking tray with bicarbonate of soda.

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Drop a drop of coloured vinegar onto the soda and watch the explosion!

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Could use water in place of vinegar and explain that when we don’t have the Holy Spirit with us, we don’t have the same power. As each drop fizzes, pray for something or someone, that the Holy Spirit will move.


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You can print this at home (if you have a printer-look up Pentecost playdough mat). If you don’t have a printer- you could line up lego/duplo/small plastic people and make fire out of playdough for their heads

Game - Pass the Parcel

As a family wrap up a couple of layers of pass the parcel, you could put a little surprise in each layer. Enjoy passing it around the circle, no matter how big or small and the surprise at the end 😊

Craft - Net and fish

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The Holy Spirit first came as fire after Jesus had gone back to heaven- try making fire cupcakes. Take a picture and let us know how you got on.

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Create fire pictures using paint and a fork.


Find your Bible at home and read the story of the Holy Spirit’s appearance together.

You could read this story from the Beginners Bible page 473-479 (or in your Bible Acts 2) sharing the book with your child.

The Holy Spirit comes

Thousands of people went to Jerusalem to celebrate a Jewish holiday called Pentecost. They came from many countries and spoke many different languages. Jesus’ disciples were staying there. They were praying together.

Suddenly, a noise filled the room. It sounded like a strong wind blowing. The Holy Spirit appeared as tongues of fire on each of the disciples.

They started talking in languages they did not know. The people in Jerusalem heard the noise and came to see what was happening.

The crowd was amazed and asked, “How are you able to speak our languages?” Peter said, “The prophets told us this would happen.”

Then Peter told them about God’s plan. “God sent Jesus to save everyone from the bad things they have done.”

The people asked, “What should we do?” Peter replied, “Ask Jesus to forgive you for your sins and be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ.”

On that day, 3000 people believed in Jesus. The disciples baptised all of them.


Bible App For Kids - The Holy Spirit

This is a great resource to help explain the holy spirit in more detail. Shows different stories where the Holy Spirit reveals how it can be our guide, give us gifts and more.

Up to 3 years old (Fruitshoots)

Thank you Jesus, that you are our friend and that you love us so much. Thank you that you sent the Holy Spirit to help us. Help us to hear you telling us special things this week.

From 3 years to Reception age (Acorns)

Thank you Jesus, that you love us so much. Thank you that you sent your Holy Spirit as a gift to us. Thank you that the Holy Spirit loves to tell us wonderful things about ourselves. Holy Spirit, help us to hear the wonderful things that you want to tell us this week and help us to remember that you want to be our very best friend.

School years 1-6 (Hive)

A question: What has been your favourite gift? If you could ask Jesus for anything this week, what would it be? Look up spiritual gifts with a grownup- ask the Holy Spirit to show you which ones are for you.

Pray together… Thank you Jesus that you sent the Holy Spirit to talk to us. Thank you that you love to give us gifts. Thank you that throughout the Bible you show us that you are with us, that you are our helper, that you talk to us. Please talk to us this week, show us the gifts that you want to give us and how we can show Jesus’ incredible love to others. Thank you for your incredible love!!


Jesus Returns

Easter Day

The True King (Palm Sunday)

The Lord’s Supper

Washing The Disciples’ Feet

Severn Vineyard