Who is Jesus? Easter - The Lord's Supper - 29 March 2020

Here are some ideas that you could do with your children at home, that link the children’s everyday experiences to the Bible. As you play or create, you can talk about Jesus having a meal with his friends.

Teaching point

We have the ‘Lord’s Supper’ now to help us remember Jesus as Jesus asked his disciples to do.


  • Let’s Pretend: Set up a Cafe – cooker, play cutlery & crockery, aprons and chefs hat, play pots & pans, play food, table and chairs, till & money, small pads of paper with pencils, children to write menus for their ‘guests’ (could be teddies if you don’t have many people in your family)

  • Book corner: Couple of beanbags in the corner – cosy up and read a story together, maybe you have one about food/meals otherwise you could look for a book about friends or share a story about Jesus.

  • Puzzles & games: Do you have a puzzle or a game that is food related at home?

  • Physical play: Make a mud pie in the garden together. Make something together in the kitchen could be a cake, garlic bread, dinner for your parents… 😊 Send the recipe to a friend in the post, to make them smile and maybe they will send you a new recipe to try too.

  • Messy/malleable play: Playdough – can you make a plate of food out of playdough?
    Paint - potato/ apple or other fruit or veg printing.

  • Sand/water: Water – do you have a tea set that you could serve ‘real’ tea to each other?

  • Game: Blind food tasting- take it in turns to close your eyes and taste some food and guess what it is.
    Touch - get a cardboard box, cut two holes in it for your hands to go in, put some food inside and try to guess what the food is by feeling.

Story time

Reception age and younger (Fruitshoots & Acorns at Vineyard Kids)

Find your Bible at home and read the story of Jesus and the last supper together.

You could read this story from the Beginners Bible page 442-445 (Matthew 26:17-29) sharing the book with your child or act it out with the children, one person being Jesus and sharing bread and Ribena or blackcurrant squash. You might want to do this at the table like a proper meal.

The Last Supper

Jesus picked up a loaf of bread and blessed it. Then he broke it into pieces. He gave the bread to his disciples to eat. Jesus said, “Jesus said, “This bread is my body. Every time you do this, think of me.”

In the same way, he took a cup of wine and blessed it. He gave it to the disciples to drink. “This is my blood. It is poured out to forgive the sins of many.”

“The time has come for me to go away. Where I am going, you cannot go yet. I am going to heaven to prepare a wonderful new home for you. But I will return to you soon.”

“At first, you will be very sad. But do not be frightened. Soon you will understand and you will be filled with joy.”

Message - Explain to the children that we have the Lords supper at church, where we go downstairs with our friends and family, we listen to some music and talk to Jesus. It is a special time where we eat bread and drink juice and remember Jesus and how much he loves us.

School years 1-6 (Hive at Vineyard Kids)

Introduction: Recap over the Easter story so far!

Drama: You could act out the story using costumes and props and someone being the narrator.

Have some bread and blackcurrant squash, to share the Lords supper together as a family at the end of the prayer.

Their Last Supper together - Matthew 26

Judas, one of Jesus’ friends, had a bad idea. He knew that the leaders were angry with Jesus. He knew they wanted to catch Jesus. Now Judas wanted money more than anything. So he told the leaders that he would show them where Jesus was if they would pay him some money. They paid him 30 pieces of silver.

One night, Jesus and his friends were eating supper together. “One of you is planning to do something bad to me,” Jesus said. “Who is it? Asked John. Jesus said, “It is the one I give bread to Judas. “Go on,” Jesus told him. “Do what you are planning to do.” Judas got up and left. Only Judas and Jesus knew what Judas’ bad idea was. Then Jesus gave thanks and broke some bread. He shared it with his friends. Next, he took a cup of wine and gave thanks. He shared this it with his friends, too. “Whenever you eat the bread and drink the wine, remember me,” he said.

Then Jesus said, “I will not be with you much longer. I have to leave but do not worry. Do not be afraid, I will come back to you, you are my friends. Love each other as I love you.”

Message and Prayer time

Up to 3 years old (Fruitshoots)

Thank you that you love us Jesus, so so much!! Thank you that you love it when we remember how much you love us by having some juice and bread. Who can we help this week to show them that Jesus loves them?

From 3 years to Reception age (Acorns)

Jesus loves us so much! Thank you that you loved us so much that you died on the cross and came back to life again. Thank you that we get to remember how amazing and special you are every time that we share the Lords supper together. And thank you most of all that you think we are so special and amazing. Help us to share your love with other people this week.

School years 1-6 (Hive)

Sum Up: Talk about ‘The Lords Supper’ that we do in church with our friends and family. Why do we do it? Why do you think the Easter story is so important or maybe you don’t think it is important? Be open to any other questions they might have.

Pray together… thank you Jesus that you love us so much! Thank you that you loved to hang out with your friends and that you love to hang out with us. Thank you that you want to talk to us and tell us things that are special to us. Thank you that you gave your life for us because you love us. Help us this week to show our friends and family your love. We pray for those who are feeling lonely at the moment, help them to know that they are loved by you and help other people to show them that they are cared for.

Previous sessions

Washing The Disciples’ Feet