Genesis 6-9 - Noah's ark - 7 June 2020

Here are some ideas that you could do with your children at home, that link the children’s everyday experiences to the Bible. As you play or create, you can talk about what happened in the story of Noah’s Ark.


God looks after us… always!


Let’s Pretend

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Make your own Noahs Ark small play, you could use tin foil and blue material to line a bucket or you could even use water. Or if you don’t have a boat, make your own 😊


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Is it waterproof? Investigate which materials are waterproof by using them as a roof for a LEGO house and investigating whether they keep the floor dry. Materials to test – paper, wood, plastic etc


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Make a rainbow biscuit using biscuits, icing, smarties…

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Or why not make a boat… Use a banana for the boat, peanut or other nut butter and then use animal biscuits or, if you have them, animal cutters or, if you are really creative, you can cut out your own animals out of bread.


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How creative can you be with making animals out of playdough… if you don’t have any at home, why not make your own, add food colouring to make the different colours.


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Create your own rain stick. All you need to make a RAINSTICK is a long cardboard tube from a roll of kitchen towel or foil, paper and stickers to decorate, dried couscous or lentils, and duct tape. Enjoy!

Game - The Skittles Game

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Pick a coloured skittle and answer a question.


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Make a rainbow craft to remind you that God is always faithful and He keeps His promises.


If you have a Bible at home, find and read the story of Noah’s Ark.

You could read this story from the Beginners Bible page 26-33 or in your Bible Genesis 6-9.

Noah’s Ark

After Adam and Eve left the garden, many people were born. The people kept doing bad things, and they forgot about God.

Except Noah. Noah loved God.

God was sad that everyone but Noah forgot about him. He told Noah about his plan to start again. “Make yourself an ark”, God said. “Here’s how.” So Noah and his family began working on the ark.

When it was done, God said, “Take your family and two of every animal into the ark.” Animals creeped, crawled, hopped and galloped onto Noah’s new boat.

After everyone was inside, the rain began to fall. And fall. And fall. The ark rocked this way and that way on the rising water.

Finally, the rain stopped. Water covered everything! Everyone inside the ark was safe. Noah and his family were very happy.

One day, Noah sent a dove to find land. It flew and flew but never found any, so it came back. One week later, Noah sent the dove out again. This time it brought him an olive leaf. Noah cheered, “It must have found land!”

The ark finally came to rest on the top of a mountain. God told Noah to leave the ark. Noah and his family praised God. God put a beautiful rainbow in the sky. It was a sign of his promise to never flood the whole earth again.


Up to 3 years old (Fruitshoots)

Thank you God, that you say that you will always look after us. Thank you that every time we see a rainbow in the sky we can remember that you love us and will always look after us.

From 3 years to Reception age (Acorns)

Thank you God that you promise that you will always look after us. Thank you that you put a rainbow in the sky to remind us of that. Thank you that in Romans, a book in the Bible, you tell us that no matter what is going on, there can be good things that come out of it. Help us to see the good things that you are giving us this week.

School years 1-6 (Hive)

A question: Noah built a huge boat, it was completely dry on the ground and no sign of rain, people laughed at him. He had a huge amount of faith. God tells us, that even if we have faith as small as a mustard seed, He can move mountains. Which ‘mountain’ do you want God to move? Is there something that you want prayer for that seems to huge? God can do it! Ask him. He is good and wants to look after us.

Pray together… Thank you, God, that you put a rainbow in the sky for Noah as a promise that you would never flood the earth again. Thank you, that when we see a rainbow we can remember that you are good and will look after us… always! Holy Spirit, we ask you now for an increase in our faith. We pray for the mountain that we have spoken about. Talk to God about it now… We pray this all in Jesus’ powerful name! Amen


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