Naaman (2 Kings 5:1-15) - 1 November 2020

Here are some ideas that you could do with your children at home, that link the children’s everyday experiences to the Bible. As you play or create, you can talk about what happened in the story of Naaman.

You could watch this video of the story:


Nothing is too difficult for God.


Let’s Pretend

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Doctors and nurses- pretend beds, bandages, pretend medicine, doctors coat, gloves, eye goggles, ‘patients’.

Remind the children that Naaman was healed by God because he listened to God’s instructions.

Naaman is healed

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Paint spots on ‘Naaman’ sponge. Dip the sponge seven times in the water and see the spots disappear.

God can clean hearts

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Explain to the children that God can clean inside us too. Sometimes when we make bad choices, it can make us feel ‘unclean/dirty/not nice’ inside but we can ask God to forgive us and make our hearts clean again. This is what Jesus did for us when He died on the cross. He took all the bad stuff away and in return He gives us all the good stuff. Source link

Game - Elisha says Seven Times

  • This game is a twist on the classic Simon says.

  • You say an action for example, “Elisha says clap”

  • If you say “Elisha says” They must do that action seven time (so clap/jump/hop/turn around/touch your toes seven times then stop).

  • If you don’t say, “Elisha says” they should ignore the instruction.


Nothing is too difficult for God.

Up to 3 years old (Fruitshoots)

If we are sick, we can talk to a doctor. If we have a broken car, we can ask a mechanic. If we need help, we can ask a grown up in our home or nursery. Thank you, God that you have given us all these people and thank you that we can always ask you to help us as nothing is too difficult for you.

From 3 years to Reception age (Acorns)

Ask the children to think of people who help us. If we are sick, we can talk to a doctor. If we have a broken car, we can ask a mechanic. If we need help, we can ask a grown up in our home or nursery. Thank you, God that you have given us all these people and thank you that we can always ask you to help us as nothing is too difficult for you.

School years 1-6 (Hive)

A thought: Has there ever been a time where you thought something was too impossible for God- so you didn’t ask him or you thought you were too young, too inexperienced, too scared?

Well, nothing is too difficult for God - Naaman’s wife had a servant girl from Israel who told Naaman about Elisha and a God who heals. The servant girl was young, and a servant so wouldn’t have had many conversations with Naaman as Naaman was an important man. Yet God chose the servant girl to speak to Naaman about God, Elisha and how he can be healed.

God wants us to tell others about Him. In the Bible there are lots of stories where God uses people and people who were small, young, not important (Samuel, David etc). But it doesn’t matter how important we look. God has an important job for each of us! You are important to God and nothing is too difficult for you because you have God!




King Solomon

King David

David and Saul (1 Samuel 16)

David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17)

Samuel and Jesse’s children (1 Samuel 16)

Samuel and Eli (1 Samuel 3)

Ruth and Naomi (Ruth 1-4)


Judges 16 - Samson

Judges 6-7 - Gideon


Joshua 5 - Joshua and the walls of Jericho

Joshua 3 and 4 - Joshua crosses the River Jordan

Joshua 2 - Rahab


Exodus 14-24 - Moses

Exodus 4-14 - Moses

Exodus 1-2 - Baby Moses


Genesis 37-43 - Joseph

Genesis 27-29 - Esau and Jacob

Genesis 12-17 - Abraham

Genesis 11 - Tower of Babel

Genesis 6-9 - Noah’s Ark

Genesis 2 and 3 - Adam and Eve

Genesis 1 - The Beginning


Earthquake in Prison

A Changed Man

The Lame Man

The Holy Spirit Comes


Jesus Returns

Easter Day

The True King (Palm Sunday)

The Lord’s Supper

Washing The Disciples’ Feet

Severn Vineyard