'The Parable of the Prodigal Son' by Liz Nixon - 22 August 2021

What is God like, and does he welcome us? In this talk, Liz Nixon looks at a story Jesus told about this which shocked religious people but should encourage us. If we have ever thought we have to perform for God and earn his love and acceptance, can this story help us reconnect with him and people who think life with God is not for them?

Discussion questions

  • How does the world view God and His Kingdom? Is it positive or negative?

Liz shared a quote from Tozer, a famous theologian who said "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us".

  • How will you choose to view God going forward, based on the story and talk?

In this talk, Liz shared her tendency to come close to God when she feels she is doing the "right things" and then stay away if she hasn't prayed very much, read her Bible or thought much about God. Think about times when you have done the same and stayed away from God, putting distance between you.

  • What was the impact on your relationship in doing that? What difference could this story make to you in those times in the future?

  • Could you take a risk and come close, even in the midst of the muckiness of life? Who might be able to help you do that?

Consider each of the characters in The Prodigal Son story - in which ways do you relate to the younger brother, the elder brother or the father?

  • The elder brother was resentful: Is there anything God hasn't given you, or anything where you feel He's "holding out" on you, and you are resentful too?

  • The younger brother sought fun and meaning away from his father: Where are you seeking fun or meaning apart from your Father God?

  • The father was ready and eager to forgive: Who in your life do you need to look out for and be ready to forgive?

When you consider your faith journey, are you walking with Him as a son or as a servant? Do you live from His love or live to earn His love? What one thing could you regularly do to settle it in your heart and mind that you are a son/daughter of God and live from that reality?

Recommended reading:

The Gold course

To sign up for The Gold, contact liz.nixon@severnvineyard.org or find out more here.

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