'Cries of the Heart: The Cry of "Train me!" (Psalm 18)' by Bern Leckie - August 23 2020

How can we face huge obstacles and learn to overcome them? In this talk, Bern Leckie looks at Psalm 18 and the training journey David is taken on by God after crying for help in a desperate situation. He sees what God can do, then starts to walk with God, get trained and strengthened by him, and finally can do everything he needs to claim victory in God's strength. Can we apply this where we need help and strengthening in our lives?

Discussion and application guide

You can do this on your own, or it might help to discuss with a friend or community group.

Look at what happened with David

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This is the “training journey” map Bern drew.

Have a read or listen through Psalm 18 and see if you agree about the different stages of this Psalm - can you see where these are?

  • David cries for help and God acts

  • God picks David up for a clean, righteous walk with him

  • God trains David, building his strength for action

  • David acts with his new strength, praising God for his victories

What mountain are you facing?

Think of one struggle which is occupying your mind and making you stressed at the moment. Try to picture it in your mind, then write or draw a quick summary of

  • Where you are now (the situation which concerns you, e.g. “I’m at risk of redundancy and don’t know what to do next”)

  • Where you feel you need to be (e.g. “I need a new job offer to do [this thing you’re great at or want to learn]”)

  • What’s in the way, between where you are and where you need to be. This could be several things, especially as there are probably lots of uncertainties between where you are and where you feel you need to be, so make a big mountain-like list if you have to. But don’t worry too much - it’s not really a ‘to do’ list you have to work through! (e.g. “I have to update my CV… look around at training courses… maybe borrow some money for now… research available jobs… make time to apply for jobs…”)

If you’re in a situation where this makes you think you need “HELP!”, start here! But if you feel confident to face it already, you might prefer to skip ahead.

Stage 1 - HELP!

This is where David started as he felt overwhelmed and willing to hand control of his immediate situation from himself to God.

  • Read the beginning of Psalm 18 again, noticing what David says to God. Could you pray this with him?

  • If you could describe your situation to God directly, what would you say about what’s happening and how you feel?

  • If you asked God to show you what he can do, what would you hope to see? Think big, like David, then write it down and ask God to help! Then when you see any of what you asked for, don’t forget to thank God for it.

If you have an urgent need for practical help, see the links below for some of the things we offer at Severn Vineyard.

Stage 2 - WALK

This is where David feels that he has some space and freedom, no longer boxed in by his situation but on a path marked out by God for walking with him.

  • Read verses 20 to 28 of Psalm 18 again. What has God done? How has this changed David? (Remember, David might not have been clean and righteous before God chose to clean him!)

  • Would you describe your life as a walk with Jesus? If so, and you’ve already asked him to lead you, thank him for making you clean like the person described in the Psalm.

  • What difference would it make to you to feel “darkness” turn to “light”, e.g. to find freedom from money worries or pressure to do anything you believe you shouldn’t do to get what you need? If you need God to guide you on practical steps to live like this, search what Jesus might have already said about your situation, or ask another believer to chat and pray with you.

Stage 3 - WORK

This is where God builds David’s strength by stretching his muscles, putting him to work and practising various things he needs to move forwards.

  • Read verses 29 to 35 again. Notice the things David can now start to do better and how he credits God for training him.

  • What specific skills do you need to practice with new strength from God? Consider praying a “dangerous prayer” like “Help me to love more!” if you’re up for God stretching your ability to love with practice.

  • If you are follower of Jesus, consider what spiritual gifts he may have given you to use as part of a body of believers. You can read more about spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians chapters 12 to 14 and find a summary and worksheet to help identify yours in session 5 of “The SHAPE of you” course here.

Stage 4 - GO!

This is where David practices his new skills in his new strength from God, getting done what he needs to do, but also crediting and praising God on the way.

  • Read verses 36 to 50 again. Look at how effective God’s training of David has been and what changes in his world as a result. What do you notice about how much David takes credit for himself or gives it to God?

  • Who deserves credit for the things you are currently feeling best about in your life? There might be quite a few people as well as yourself, but if you feel that God should be in your list to thank and praise, take some time to do that!

  • If you are a believer and have reached this stage on any aspect of your life journey, how could sharing your faith give confidence to a friend, neighbour, colleague or family member that God is good, strong and accessible to them too?

There might be a range of mountains…

…and you might be in different places on each one. Why not use this process again to identify some more areas of struggle or strength in your life?

Whatever you are facing right now, there is a very good chance that you have more strength than you realise when you’re only looking at the most intimidating obstacles, so make sure to have a look around to remind yourself of at least one way you’ve overcome a challenge, and thank God for it like David!

Practical help links

Christians Against Poverty - we have a Debt Centre which can offer prayer, practical and financial support. The CAP Life Skills course is also a great way to help money go further so it can be less of a stress.

Click here for more about Severn’s community services including our Pop Up Food Bank and network of DIYSOS volunteers, where you would be welcome to receive or offer help!

We also have lots of community groups which are brilliant for growing a sense of connection and belonging. Some run practical training for different stages of life, others are mixtures of people in different parts of Bristol, and one is a dedicated Life Recovery Group for people who have struggled with addictions and compulsive behaviours. At time of writing, most meet online but are looking to meet face to face again in COVID-secure ways.