‘Encounters With God - Stories from the Old Testament, part 7 - Moses’ by Jess Pedersen - 17 July 2022

How can we become more resilient to face life's challenges? Jess Pedersen looks at how Moses did this by learning to turn to God. Raised in a foreign palace, Moses grew up with a mix of beliefs and tried working out his sense of justice his own way. But his encounters with God showed the depth of love and support that he could receive from God to do almost unimaginable things and overcome incredible opposition to lead his people out of slavery. What could a close walk with God equip you for?

Find more from the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

Podcast discussion

What is it like to be a leader with lots of responsibilities and a call from God to take people from where they are to somewhere else?

Jess Pedersen and Bern Leckie discuss Moses, where he came from, his flaws and needs - including resilience, vision and a need to discern what was right and from God when it wasn't comfortable.

How does this connect with our lives today, and how do we develop our own senses of calling, vision for our community and resilience to persist and learn while moving through life?