‘Encounters With God - Stories from the Old Testament, part 5 - Joseph’ by Dan Green - 26 June 2022

What is it like to be forced unjustly from your home country, and what kind of life can you hope to find next? In Refugee Week 2022, Dan Green looks at the story of Joseph, who famously found uses for his gifts and, despite opposition and mistreatment, became a trusted leader in his adoptive country. How does his story challenge us to treat others differently, and perhaps seek to use our gifts to help others too?

Find more from the book of Genesis.

Podcast discussion

How important is holding onto hope, and what can we do with it? Maybe even more importantly, what can God do with us when we place our hope in him and his promises?

Dan Green and Bern Leckie discuss how they have seen this working in the story of Joseph and in their own lives, as well as what it means to share hope, faith and love practically among people who believe different things.