‘Encounters With God - Stories from the Old Testament, part 3 - Rahab’ by Joanna Moss - 12 June 2022

How would you like to be remembered? Joanna Moss looks at the story of a woman most commonly called “Rahab the prostitute” in history books, and why her recognition of God and practical response shaped a nation in remarkable ways. We might apply labels to ourselves and each other, but what God does with us and who he says we are could radically redefine us. Who does God say you are?

Find more from the Old Testament book of Joshua.

Podcast discussion

What can we learn from a very short story about woman who protected foreign spies and had a questionable reputation, and an enduring nickname, which sounds awful to us?

Bern Leckie and Joanna Moss discuss Rahab and how her story connects with larger things about faith, justice, big changes and how we find significance in life.

Joanna also shares about her experiences as a scientist and believer in God, and what has sustained her through difficult times.