‘Modern Family? Part 4 - Creating culture + being spiritual’ by Mal Calladine - 11 July 2021

What do you want your household to be known for? In this talk, Mal Calladine looks at how we can decide this and create a culture rather than having things just happen. It's also up to us how to develop spiritual lives in our families, and Mal has lots of practical ways to do this, and find time when it seems to be scarce. What will you choose to try?

Application questions

1. Who are the relationships you are reminded of where you most want to have ‘4th quadrant’ conversations, of what is really going on with you & God?

2. In your household (or who you do shared life with), in what ways are you most reminded of where you want to make space to have time for regular rhythms of connection…? See worksheet 1.

3. In your household (or who you do shared life with), in what areas do you think you could be more intentionally spiritual? Are there regular rhythms, festivals or rites of passage that seem live to address or plan for, in this season? See worksheet 2.

4. In your household (or who you do shared life with), what would be your current ‘guiding principles’ / statements you’d most want to write up / display? “In this family, we… ?” See worksheet 3.

5. In your household’s ‘age & stage’, what TV shows or movies most come to mind as ‘diving boards’ into spiritual, ethical or relational life application conversations (or point to God’s heart or story?)

6. Anywhere else the Holy Spirit was getting your attention during the talk?