'Did Paul really mean that? Episode 7 - Restoring the Balance of Power' by Owen Lynch - August 9 2020

What do you think about the Bible's attitude to women? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at the apostle Paul and how his views on women and their role in church and life may have been misunderstood. Looking carefully at his letters and the culture they were written in, as well as what we know about how Paul lived in practice, might challenge us to change some of our assumptions and inspire us to work towards restoring the balance of power.

*** This talk contains adult references, and parents may prefer to watch without children present. ***


  • What has surprised you about Paul’s relationship with and attitude towards women?

  • What questions has this talk raised for you about the way women are portrayed in the Bible?

  • What questions has this raised for you about your own attitude to the balance of power between women and men?

Prayer and Reflection

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any past experiences that have negatively affected how you view/interact with men and women.

  • Share your reflections with a trusted person and ask them to pray with you for healing and/or repentance (depending on your experiences).

  • Consider taking some action to help restore the balance of power between women and men - perhaps give your support to charities that are seeking to do this, or maybe there is something you need to change about your own attitude or behaviour - ask Jesus to help you with this.


Carla Swafford Works - The Least of These

Lane McGaughy - The Authentic Letters of Paul

N.T. Wright - Paul: Fresh perspectives

A.N.Wilson - Paul The Mind of the Apostle

David A. deSilva - Honor, Patronage, Kinship and Purity

E.P. Sanders - Paul: A very short introduction

Steve Chalke - The Lost Message of Paul