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Mark 9-10

We couldn’t see, but now we can start

Every day we’re asking four questions about part of the Bible. Today Bern Leckie answers:

What did I like about today’s passage?

Jesus’ followers thought they were starting to get what new kingdom life was about, but they hadn’t seen Jesus in his full “dazzling white” glory. He was able to share things they could only begin to understand after they had seen the greatest miracle they could not yet accept, that Jesus would suffer, die and rise from the dead.

This crucial passage contains many challenges for believers, including the need to receive God’s kingdom like a child and get rid of anything which causes us problems in accepting it. But I’m also encouraged by Jesus that “all things are possible with God,” including healing for the physically blind and hope for people like me who want to see more of what God is doing.

What did it show me about Father God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit?

God is totally serious about wanting us to enjoy the best possible life with him and each other. In Jesus’ description of marriage, I’m struck by being reminded of God’s involvement in bonding people together. I wonder how differently our conversations about defining marriage would be if we made the recognition of “what God has joined together” our main focus. Is that something I can even get my head around?

What am I going to do differently as a result?

When I try to get my head around something, I have to contain and therefore limit it. Jesus seems to be consistently challenging my tendency to do that. His word expands, even explodes, the limitations I bring from my expectations and desire to master ideas rather than be mastered by him. To change that, I think I need to say “I understand this!” a lot less, and “I believe you!” a lot more.

Who am I going to share this with?

Again, this is liberating in conversations with people who have different cultural backgrounds and views about God. I’m going to share a desire to express faith and learn more with them rather than try to convince them about stuff I don’t understand.

Earlier Event: 14 January
Genesis 25-28
Later Event: 16 January
Genesis 29-31