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Mark 1-2

Mark gets straight to the point - it’s good news!

Every day we’re asking four questions about part of the Bible. Today Bern Leckie answers:

What did I like about today's passage?

I like how Mark gets straight to the point. God's people have been expecting him to intervene in the world, and Jesus grabs their attention. He sums up the whole point about faith, mission and how we need to respond in one sentence - "The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!" – and this idea is backed up with power and authority right away.

I know lots of people who worry and fuss about religion, and associate it with so many bad things, but Jesus came to bring good news.

What did it show me about Father God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit?

I'm sure lots of other people claimed to be something special in Jesus' time, and many have since, but it's a lot easier to talk good ideas than to do the good God wants.

This passage suggests right away how much Jesus meant business and had the power to back up good words with incredible power and authority. He didn't just come with reassurance, though, but with a call for us to "repent" - re-think and change. That feels like the hard or bad part, but Jesus' good news is that change is possible, and good.

What am I going to do differently as a result?

This reminds me that there’s no point in being “all talk” and no action, and it reassures me that even a little faith can produce big results when amplified by God’s power. So I’m not going to make a list of new year’s resolutions to do in my own strength. Instead, I will resolve to look for God’s kingdom every day, let God reshape my expectations and desires to take faith risks, and trust him more.

Who am I going to share this with?

I know lots of people who are interested in the idea of changing the world, and some who have devoted themselves energetically to making a difference. They don’t all share faith in God – at least, not yet. I’m going to take a faith risk of engaging some of them in conversation to consider how Jesus might be an unexpected way to bring about the change they are looking for.

Later Event: 2 January
Genesis 1-3