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2 Kings 1-3

Are we looking in the right direction to find power?

Every day we're reading or listening to part of the Bible together and sharing thoughts with you. Today it’s Bern Leckie:

What did I like about today’s passage?

There are constant opinion polls running in the USA about whether the country is heading in the “Right Direction” or on the “Wrong Track.” (link) While that is a matter of opinion, this is a story of what it means, what it looks like, to be on the Wrong Track when leadership fails. Crucially, it’s also an account of God’s response when Israel fractured, people broke the covenant with God, but God remained faithful, loving and determined to build his Kingdom.

There is a dizzying amount of detail here, but I love the clarity of the big story. Leaders like Ahaziah could hardly hope to lead in a helpful direction when they were looking the wrong way for help. It’s not just that his faith was all over the place. Wasn’t it also weirdly unwise to ignore God’s power, proven through Elijah, in favour of a weak idea of a god?

I love the biblical stories of wise leaders when they seek to glorify God and their power is amplified. But when a leader won’t do that, I love that God still works through prophets like Elijah and Elisha. It’s sad that people could not look to a throne and see God at work, but look at where the real power is.

After Elijah’s glorious exit, the Spirit working through Elisha could heal a land with a bowl of salt and tear down opposition with a shout. And some bears. (Note to self: don’t be rude to prophets…) But these miracles are not magic tricks. We know how they work. What I love most here is that a word from God overcomes armies, bad leaders, unyielding nature and everything else which can get between the life we have and the goodness God wants for us.

What did it show me about Father God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit?

God works, even when leaders don’t. The way God works through prophets can seem bizarre, even shocking, but the raw power channelled through a Spirit-filled believer can be more effective at changing the world than an army of swordsmen or an alliance of countries. What God can do with leaders who are looking in the right direction is amazing, but when they are on the wrong track and powers clash, it’s an awesome mess. Something will have to change. God and his Kingdom will ultimately prevail.

What am I going to do differently as a result?

I’m a fan of following the news and people who can comment on it with wit and insight. It gives me a sense of assurance that leaders with unhelpful aims or corrupt motives can be shown up, indicted and, in theory, replaced. But that doesn’t mean we always pick better leaders to replace them – what if they keep getting worse? This story reminds me that I need to improve my benchmark for what is good and spend more time looking in the right direction at what God is doing and wants to do. He doesn’t just work in history but now too.

Who am I going to share this with?

The people I discuss current events with, often on Facebook.

Earlier Event: 8 June
1 Kings 19-22
Later Event: 10 June
1 Corinthians 11-13