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John 5-6

The power of believing in Jesus

Every day we’re asking four questions about part of the Bible. Today Bern Leckie answers:

What did I like about today's passage?

Over our lives, many voices have shaped what we have done and who we think we are. Some come and go, like the people trying to sell us things this Black Friday weekend, but some stick with us. Teasing classmates might have made you sure you were bad at sports, but an encouraging teacher might have told you about something you were great at, and that might have defined you, influencing your choices right up to today.

What I love about these stories of Jesus is how his words shape and change the people who believe them. The “invalid” of 38 years was used to not getting around and didn’t believe they could qualify for healing from a special pool. Jesus’ words healed and redefined him. Then, out of his belief, this man did what Jesus said and walked, no longer an invalid.

I don’t think John included that story just to tell us about one fortunate man. It’s a picture of Jesus and us too. Jesus confesses that “he can only do what he sees the Father doing” – his life is a demonstration of belief. And this is what he tells his followers to do, to hear and believe the word that God has life to give. This word redefines us, and the life God offers is eternal, overcoming judgement and death. Can we believe and accept this? Is there a catch?

I love how Jesus knows that we’ll struggle to accept this incredibly good news. Why? Because we currently feel defined by other words and look for life in other places, including religious activities and texts, and we don’t see things God’s way – “you do not have the love of God in your hearts”, Jesus said – until we can believe and accept Jesus.

So, Jesus offers more signs here that his word is authority, including feeding the 5,000 and walking on water. That’s difficult stuff to copy if we try! But when people ask what they need to do to meet God’s requirements, his answer is simple: to believe in him, and receive life from him. I find it amazing that Jesus can redefine us. Have you let his words do that?

What did it show me about Father God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit?

God wants us to know how to receive life from him, and Jesus provides a memorable practical demo of this in the communion bread and wine which represent his body and blood. Jews were forbidden from eating certain foods and drinking blood in strict laws which could only be broken if they would otherwise die. Jesus’ invitation to consume his flesh and blood was rightly received not just as an attractive offer but a difficult challenge. It meant believing Jesus when he said that “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” We will die unless we receive this. We will live if we do.

God doesn’t want our belief in him to be a hobby or accessory in our lives. He wants us to accept Jesus so that our lives can be redefined by him and the Spirit which grows love in us.

What am I going to do differently as a result?

Reflect this weekend on the different words and influences which are not from God but I accept as limitations or imperatives to do things, and thank God for the life he has given me.

Who am I going to share this with?

My family and others in our church.

Earlier Event: 27 November
2 Chronicles 33-36
Later Event: 29 November
Psalms 136-138