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2 Chronicles 29-32

The power of holiness

Every day we’re asking four questions about part of the Bible. Today Bern Leckie answers:

What did I like about today’s passage?

While Judah was on the slope towards exile and getting beaten on every front, I love how Hezekiah produced an incredible turnaround, starting with a very small beginning.

The first thing he did, in his first month in charge, was to open and repair the doors of the temple. He knew that while these were broken, his country would remain broken because their connection with God had ceased to function. I’m sure he wanted lots of things for his people, but he started with the most basic sounding thing – cleaning up what was right in front of him.

The word “consecrate” comes up a lot here – it means to dedicate something to God’s purpose. I think Hezekiah recognised something about the temple, its treasures, its priests and the rest of his country which others had forgotten: it came from and already belonged to God. But God won’t use things or work through people unless they are ready. What makes them (and us) ready? It could be as simple as getting clean. That is what Hezekiah directed, and he had a plan.

By cleaning up and making the temple useful, they reconnected with God and worship restarted. After small beginnings with the priests and Levites, they had enough people to offer sacrifices for a much larger crowd. The invites went out and, while some rejected them, “a very large crowd assembled” for an epic Passover feast. Here, people would reconnect with their history and what God had done for them. A worship movement grew.

While that might just sound like nice religious news, the people’s renewed faith in God changed everything about how they dealt with threats like invasion. I love how Hezekiah and Isaiah’s prayers were answered with an angel who fought the battle and annihilated the enemy. What started with simple faithfulness turned into huge power as God worked.

What did it show me about Father God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit?

God wants to work through his people and use his things for the good of society. But he waits for us to be ready, dedicating ourselves to his purposes and cleaning up if needed.

God’s work can be seen and credited to him when we worship him, talk and listen to him, and clear away the clutter which can get between us and him. He doesn’t just want us to say some prayers and sing a few songs from time to time, but to grow in faith that he is our loving Father and can answer our heartfelt prayers in spectacularly powerful ways.

What am I going to do differently as a result?

As I think about upcoming demands on time and make plans for next year, I need to start by recommitting myself to be used by God for what he wants first, which of course includes loving my family and neighbours! I want to grow in faith that God answers all our prayers in the way he answered Hezekiah and Isaiah too – he doesn’t make us face battles alone.

Who am I going to share this with?

My family.

Earlier Event: 25 November
John 3-4
Later Event: 27 November
2 Chronicles 33-36