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2 Chronicles 4-6

Will God really dwell on earth with humans?

Every day we’re asking four questions about part of the Bible. Today Bern Leckie answers:

What did I like about today’s passage?

It’s so easy to get lost in the details of the incredible temple furnishings. What could we do with immeasurable amounts of bronze? How about make a circular sea five metres wide and taller than the tallest people? Don’t forget the animal figures! And the lampstands? No, all ten of those need to be pure gold!

I love that this is more than an impressive display of bling. It’s a faithful representation of creativity passed through David from God. It shows the best of what can be made from rich resources provided by a generous, loving father. And it’s an unforgettable experience for people who travel to be in God’s presence, worship, sacrifice and connect with God.

I’m struck by the description in chapter 5 of the trumpet praise big band bringing together a chorus recognising God, singing “He is good; his love endures for ever”.

And at that moment, God’s presence and glory fill the room and everything has to stop. It’s just too awesome (and quite cloudy). It reminds me of times when the best worship and ministry, well planned to bring people on a path into God’s presence, get interrupted when the Spirit shows up to do his own thing. That’s hard to do over Zoom, isn’t it?

But maybe not impossible. Most of all here, I love how Solomon asks this question which, by intention or not, gets to the heart of why God provided all the inspiration and material for the temple. “Will God really dwell on earth with humans?” is what Solomon prays with his mind on the temple as a house for God to live in, and I think he’s having a moment where he realises how strange an idea it is to try and contain God, even in the most amazing space. What I don’t think he knew just then was God’s plan to make temples in us.

What did it show me about Father God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit?

God wants us to know, remember and be inspired by him. He doesn’t just want to be an idea or belief in our heads but the main motivator in our hearts so that we can live faithfully, love justice but also seek mercy and forgiveness, preferring humility over pride so we can change when we need to. God has a way of life for us which is the best life we can have.

God enables us to live like this by dwelling with us. Israel in Solomon’s time felt God’s presence through awesome constructions and ceremonies, but these were only a symbol of the Spirit’s presence in the heart of every faithful follower of Jesus. As Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “Don’t you realise that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” So yes, God does really dwell on earth with humans!

What am I going to do differently as a result?

Try not to get lost in the details of the current tech challenges of meeting spaces and pray for God’s presence to feel just as real to everyone remotely that our plans sometimes stop.

Who am I going to share this with?

People on the staff team who are working hard to get ready for when we can meet in person again! We believe that meeting is good but God’s presence is with us at home too.

Earlier Event: 12 November
2 Chronicles 1-3
Later Event: 14 November
1, 2 and 3 John