A conversation about race - June 14 2020

As part of a process of dialogue and growing awareness of how racism affects all of us, Claire and Owen Lynch talked with Sarah Dodd and Myles Connor this week about their experiences and hopes about life in Bristol.

We have put together this resource list to help community groups, households and families have more dialogue and create more awareness of how racism affects all of us.


"A House through time” by David Olusoga - an insight into Bristol's role in the slave trade. (59 minutes)

An introduction to: "Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race" by Reni Eddo Lodge (12 minutes)

Deconstructing White Privilege with Dr. Robin DiAngelo (20 mins)

An introduction to Black British History - David Olusoga (3 minutes)

In Conversation with... Afua Hirsch & David Olusoga (1 hour 17 mins)


Black Voices in the Vineyard - a series of interviews with black leaders from the Vineyard Movement

How should the evangelical church respond to the murder of George Floyd by Rich Nathan, Lead Pastor of Vineyard Columbus, Ohio.

We need to talk about whiteness, with Robin DiAngelo.


"Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race" by Reni Eddo Lodge - £4.50 Amazon Kindle, £6.99 paperback.

"The Good Immigrant” by Nikesh Shukla - £3.59 Amazon Kindle, £8.99 paperback.

"We Need To Talk About Race: Understanding the Black Experience in White Majority Churches” by Ben Lindsay - £4 on Amazon Kindle, £9.99 paperback.

“Black and British: A Forgotten History” by David Olusoga - £7.99 Amazon Kindle

The Runnymeade Trust report on Bristol - a divided city.

“Doing Reconciliation : Racism, Reconciliation and Transformation in the Church and World” by Alexander Venter - Vineyard Pastor from South Africa, Amazon Kindle £7.60.