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Revelation 3-4

Swapping our plans for heaven’s power

Every day we're reading or listening to part of the Bible together and sharing thoughts with you. Today it’s Bern Leckie:

What did I like about today’s passage?

The sound of Jesus judging is sobering, isn’t it? Yes, we are saved by faith, but “I know your deeds” is a reminder from Jesus about what faith is for. What are we doing with it? What are we letting God do with us?

It’s one thing to plan what we would like to do but, as Mike Tyson once said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” These churches had probably taken a lot of punches, suffering for their beliefs, refusing to worship the Roman Emperor and being blamed by authorities for disrupting social order and attracting the wrath of gods. One author at the time wrote that Christians were seen as “the cause of every public disaster, of every affliction with which the people are visited… if [there is] no rain, an earthquake, famine or pestilence, straightaway the cry is, ‘Away with the Christians to the lions!’”

Jesus was not judging churches for their belief in his existence but for what happened in practice when their faith was tested. Where did they look for strength? How well did they assess their own situations and what God could do with them? It looks like they all needed to do better. Listening to the Spirit, re-evaluating riches, redefining what it means to do well in life and accepting correction from Jesus – these are all things we need. But do we only realise how much we need them in a crisis?

This is all really uncomfortable stuff, but what I love is how Jesus’ call to repentance is followed by the beginning of a glorious vision. For anyone thinking this new life in Christ is too hard, or wondering about the point of it all, God’s revelation of what must change in the world starts with the view from heaven. God has the ultimate authority.

What did it show me about Father God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit?

No matter how much trouble we think we are in, we are loved and guided (even disciplined) by a heavenly father, and heaven has a lot of powerful stuff going on. Life might be hard for us but, through Jesus, we are connected with the creator of everything.

What am I going to do differently as a result?

I’m struck by Jesus’ words to the church in Laodicea whose people thought they were rich and had everything they needed. I admit I find it easy to take comfort in my own plans and material resources I think can help keep us going in a crisis. But who am I kidding? I need Jesus’ life, values and “gold refined in the fire” more than any other assets. So I will spend less time this week seeking useful looking stuff on Amazon, and more time seeking Jesus, his wisdom, healing and empowerment to be part of what God is doing to change the world.

Who am I going to share this with?

My family and people I pray with this week.

Earlier Event: 5 May
Daniel 4-6
Later Event: 7 May
Daniel 7-9