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Matthew 27-28

Jesus’ authority wins – so what next?

Every day we’re asking four questions about part of the Bible. Today Bern Leckie answers:

What did I like about today’s passage?

I can hardly imagine how Jesus’ followers were feeling when their leader was crucified along with their hopes. Everything they had grown to believe about themselves and their purpose, all the things Jesus had talked about and demonstrated with power – was that all for nothing? Had Jesus whose authority seemed greater been defeated by other authorities?

It had to come to this. In the gospel story of Jesus, I think God has a point to make. Not only is Jesus a perfect sacrifice for our sin, taking our punishment so we can reconcile with God. This is also a final resolution of the question, “Who has authority?” Even when authorities opposed to Jesus do the worst, most extreme things they can do, Jesus still defeats them. This is how we know that Jesus is king, Lord, the greatest authority.

Did you see the surprise twist coming? Or did you have spoilers already? Jesus rose again, defeating every other authority including the one which had final say in our lives – death.

OK, for us, as incredibly amazing as it will always be, that was not the surprise. But maybe this is. Right at the end of Matthew’s account, Jesus declares his purpose, what he wants to do with this ultimate authority. He does not use it to resume his regional tour. He uses it to commission his followers (us!) to save the world.

What did it show me about Father God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit?

God reigns supreme. No power can defeat him. But this does not mean that God sits in splendid isolation from us. Instead, God chose to draw close to us, becoming one of us in a boy who shared our experiences and struggles from an unassuming birth to a brutal death.

Through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, God proved that his authority can defeat the opposing authorities of sin and death in human flesh, not just in the realms of ideas, wishes or spirits. So the work of Jesus was showing more than what he could do. It demonstrated what we can do through faith and life in him.

And has Jesus left us to get on with this alone? No! His closing words in Matthew’s gospel are: “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

What am I going to do differently as a result?

Celebrate this weekend that Jesus has the ultimate authority over everything. Easter celebrates new life in general, but I particularly want to remember Jesus’ life and the new life and purpose he has given to me.

Who am I going to share this with?

My family as we celebrate Easter with stacks of chocolate and time to build happy memories of what means the most to us this holiday time.

Earlier Event: 10 April
Isaiah 63-66
Later Event: 12 April
Psalms 42-45