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Genesis 43-46

Dreams can come true!

Every day we're reading or listening to part of the Bible together and sharing thoughts with you. Today it’s Bern Leckie:

What did I like about today's reading?

It's a family reunion packed with surprises. Joseph falls from favour (literally) into a pit, but his fortunes reverse dramatically until his dreams come true... the most vulnerable little boy falls into peril, but is redeemed by his brothers whose character is tested and changed... trust meets betrayal, struggle overcomes hardships and enemies become friends... Even if you don't think about the deeper meanings, simply as a story Joseph's exploits are entertaining and worthy of song.

It got me thinking that there must be a reason why stories like this resonate across cultures and centuries. Screenwriting guru Robert McKee claims that "story is a metaphor for life." I think Joseph's story reflects a bigger story, and a bigger life, that we want to be part of. In God's really big story, the world changes and bad people turn back to good life with him in a surprising way - not because of our effort, but because of his - and that is something I believe many of our friends want in their lives.

What did it show me about Father God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit?

The mind boggling bit is Joseph crediting God for where he ended up after his brothers sold him as a slave. I don't think that meant God caused his brothers to sin, but I do think it shows that God can redeem the worst looking situations. We can recognise this when we choose to see him as King and look for his kingdom to come and his will to be done.

What am I going to do differently as a result?

Find something this week which looks like God at work and tell people about it.

Who am I going to share this with?

People I work and pray with, or anyone else God wants to prompt me to tell.

Earlier Event: 22 January
Mark 13-14
Later Event: 24 January
Genesis 47-50