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Genesis 11-14

What can God build with us?

Every day we're reading or listening to part of the Bible together and sharing thoughts with you. Today it’s Bern Leckie:

What did I like about today's reading?

The difference between life remembering or forgetting “In the beginning, God…” is a big theme of Genesis. From its early chapters and our own experience, we have seen the pride and violence which multiply when trying to build life around human achievements and material.

So while Babel’s story is intriguing, I love the contrast between trying to build a tower and succeeding in building an awesome family line. We might think our legacy is bound up in what we make, but we’re already part of something God has been building since the beginning of everything.

What did it show me about Father God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit?

God loves relationship with us. He didn’t leave it to chance and took the initiative to call Abram into relationship and build a special, recognisably miraculous family line through him.

It’s clear that God chose to do this despite Abram not being perfect. He was a normal person with fears about life and family, and he made some questionable choices. But God knew that he would grow in faith, listening to God, worshiping and obeying, crediting God when blessed. So he and his family could be an example to the world of what can happen in relationship with God. I'm sure Abram could not imagine the effect God would have on the world through him.

This means that our lives are not about what we can build as much as what God can build with us.

What am I going to do differently as a result?

Spend more time today in prayer, little and often. I like that God has entrusted us to do things, but I want to be sure in my heart that I am following him like Abram, and not trying just to make a name for myself like the Babel builders.

Who am I going to share this with?

My family and some people in our community that I would like to reach out to pray with.

Earlier Event: 6 January
Genesis 8-10
Later Event: 8 January
Mark 5-6