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Isaiah 51-54

God’s promises rest on Jesus

Every day we're reading or listening to part of the Bible together and sharing thoughts with you. Today it’s Bern Leckie:

What did I like about today’s passage?

Today's epic reading is an amazing promise by God to his people, which includes us because of Jesus. In chapter 51, I like the way the focus is on the Jewish family with a reminder of their heritage - one man and one woman? Yes, but they aren't the "rock" - that is a title reserved for God. The whole nation comes from God's promise to work with a people to call his own, and one of its roles is to demonstrate right relationship with God and his justice to other nations. Despite the difficulties God's people have faced, God's promise is to restore them to glory so he can be recognised worldwide.

Key to this restoration is God's suffering servant. The description, written centuries before Jesus, is so reminiscent of Jesus to us that it might seem odd that some don't recognise him in this. The heart of Easter is right here. God makes one man's life an offering for our sin (chapter 53 verse 10) yet seeing "the light of life" after his suffering (verse 11.) If someone did want to live a life which convinced people they were taking on this role for themselves, they would have to pull off rising from the dead. This thing God is describing cannot be faked. Jesus has done it.

Finally, I like the way God tells his people to get ready to spread out - you're going to need a bigger tent! It is strange and sad that some people think Jesus makes the Old Testament irrelevant. Jesus is very much part of this book, and if we take the bits which point to him seriously, we also have to pay attention to the rest of God's promises, which include remembering and honouring his past covenant agreements with the people who were part of them. "Terror will be far removed; it will not come to you" might not sound like today's news, but it is God's promise to the people whose trust is in him.

What did it show me about Father God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit?

God's plan is much bigger, wider and stronger than our ability to do things on our own. Jesus' work, promised first to Israel, is uncontainable in scope and importance, and the blessing we get from it depends on many centuries of work God has done with his people, by his choice.

What am I going to do differently as a result?

Thank God this week for what he has made us part of, which I take for granted too often.

Who am I going to share this with?

Others who celebrate Easter with us this week.

Earlier Event: 5 April
Psalms 38-41
Later Event: 7 April
Isaiah 55-58